Jonathan from Phoenix.

  29 августа 1998 года был день которого я ждал последние 15 лет, шанс встретится с одной из моих любимых во все времена групп, W.A.S.P.!!! День начался с того, что люди из охраны открыли двери на 30 минут позже. Когда мы наконец вошли, мы попали в место, где были все крутые игрушки с которыми мы росли и звучала всеми нами любимая музыка. Первая вещь, которая бросилась мне в глаза была фигурка Блэки Лоулиса. Я сказал что она прикольно выглядит, напоминает Блэки на первом альбоме. I'm happy to say I was the first person to sign up for one of those guys. Can't wait to get it!!The booth also had t-shirts and posters , both with pictures from 'Double Live Assassins'. I had to get me one of those. After standing in line to get my "autograph ticket photos" we got the long line to the signings. At about 1:30-2:00 W.A.S.P. came out and all of us cheered. The lines were slow but slow is good because we all got our time to spend with the band. When it was my turn to meet Blackie I shook his hand and thanked him for the last 15 years of music. I then gave him his birthday present that I brought. A tramsforming robot/wasp called "WASPINATOR". Blackie thought that was pretty cool and showed it around to the other guys. He then signed a photo for me "TO JONATHAN THE DARKEST MOTHER FUCKER ON THE PLANET BLACKIE LAWLESS". I told him I had flown in from Phoenix to meet him and he asked " Didn't I just send you a letter last week?". When I said yes and asked about the private meet and greet he smiled and said "No prblem. Come backstage after the show." I've been waiting 15 years to hear that!!! I tanked him and moved onto Stet and Mike. Both guys were really cool and signed a few autographs for me and we talked for a moment about how cool their jobs must be. Then it was on to Chris. I tell ya, that man is a ball of energy. He was up, down, taking pictures, hugging people, Chris was having a great time. We talked for a moment and Chris was a crack up. He's so funny. After the autographs we still had hours to go until the show. At one point some guy bumped into me and mumbled on his way "Sorry man, gotta piss." I look and its Chris. I had to laugh and turned to my friend and said "Dude, Chris Holmes just shoved me out of his way...Right On" At 6:00 a few of us went backstage for the private meet with W.A.S.P. but after waiting 30 min Blackie came out and said it was gonna have to be after the show. I was lucky enough to get my spot back right in front center. Right in front of Blackie.
   The show started a hour late but who cares? It was a killer show. The show was pretty close to the Double Live Assassins CD. Song included were: On Your Knees, I Don't Need No Doctor, Hellion, Chainsaw Charlie, Wild Child, Animal, L.O.V.E. Machine, Sleeping In The Fire,Killahead,The Real Me, Fetus/Little Death, I Wanna Be Somebody Somebody, Blind In Texas.For you who haven't seen it, Blackie's mike stand has handle bar, tension springs, grinder, headlight, and he would ride this thing and sing and swing back and forth through the show. I was lucky enough to catch one of Blackie's picks at the start of Wild Child. During "I Wanna Be Somebody" some asshole SPIT in Blackie's face. You could see the anger blow when he stoped playing and ordered the asshole out of the building. Then Blackie started throwing posters around the crowd to get them going. Every once in a while he'd thow out a cup of red juice onto the crowd after taking a sip.Then it came! During " Fetus" Blackie pulled out a Maryln Manson dummy in a pink two-two and with a hangmans noose, hung it from his mike stand. Blackie started sharpening his 'dick blade' on a grinder attached to his stand (I was so close I could feel the sparks hitting me on the face, that was rad!!) then he took Manson and FUCKED HIM UP THE ASS !! He then pulled out a fetus and impaled it on his dick blade. All this was during "Little Death" (one of my favorite songs) with Blackie singing " WHO'S THE DARKEST MOTHER FUCKER ON THE PLANET ". At the end of the show Blackie pulled out a katana and lopped off the head of Maryln Manson. He then reached into the head to pull out the skull but it had broken in half so after pulling out half of it Blackie held the severed head up and drank blood till it ran all over his face and chest. Then Blackie ripped open a few feather pillows to fill the stage and crowd with a snowstorm of feathers. When the feathers settled the stage was empty. It was such a cool fucken show!!
   After the show I went backstage again and a group of us waited for W.A.S.P. First out was Mike Duda. He signed another autograph for me and we talked for a moment about the show. Next came Stet followed by Chris a few minutes later. Both guys signed more stuff for me and I sat and talked to Chris for a few. It was so cool to be able to talk to this guy after hearing about him for the last 15 years. And he is such a crack up. Everything he said was funny. Sarcastic, but funny. Then Blackie arived. He was last because of the shower to wash off the blood. Blackie seemed like a very serious person and he expressed that he understood what it ment to be a fan and what it means to his fans to be able to meet him. Because my name is Jonathan, W.A.S.P. music means that much more to me and I let Blackie know that when we spoke again. Another photo, some more autographs, and trying to get in everything you ever wanted to say in a few minutes. When I was done I shook Blackie's hand, thanked him, and walked out of the building with a full set of memories (and pictures) of a day that was too fucken cool!!!

Да здравствует король милосердия! W.A.S.P. R.U.L.E.S.!!!

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Источник: WASP MORGUE. Photos by Hister & тёлка на фотках.

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